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Kdenlive crashing

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Kdenlive crashing

Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:38 pm
Kdenlive is not working well on my PC. I'm using Linux Mint 18.1 Serena with the latest Kdenlive (17.04.1) with the sources listed on the website on my Software Sources.

Kdenlive crashes, or at least I think it does because it suddently freezes, like a still picture, without any possibility to click anything. It doesn't let me to close it and just after trying to end it by repeatedly clicking to exit it I can manage to get "Kdenlive is not responding" and force it to close. This freezing happens whenever I'm using the program, it gets trigger after clicking a random option on the gui.

The PC is not struggling, there's plenty of ram left and there isn't any remarcable error message whenever I open it on a terminal.

On the other hand, I can't use the Clip Monitor to play my current project as it is, it only plays the selected clip on the "Project Bin" section.

How can I diagnose this problem? It's a shame that its such a fine software that I can't manage to use. :'(
Registered Member

Re: Kdenlive crashing

Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:08 pm
I once had problems too and also missing icons and stuff when i upgraded. I then deleted the preferences in my home folder and started everything again. Maybe that is something you can try.


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