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Kdenlive says "Waiting" but does not begin to render

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I am having a problem rendering a video with Kdenlive.  Let me tell you the situation.

I made an hour long video in HD with my normal notebook computer.  I finished it and rendered it to an MP4 standard HD format for the web.  However, after looking at this video, I noticed some things that I wanted to change so I opened the project directory and opened the Kdenlive project file.  However, in the mean time I had purchased another computer for making these videos.  The new computer was faster.  The project files were on an external hard drive (USB3 version) so I connected it to the new, faster computer.  The project opened and I made my changes and saved the project.  Then I tried to render this video again to the same MP4 type format.  However, the render status window said "Waiting".  It stayed that way for over eight hours.  So, I finally decided that it was not going to complete the render and stopped it.  Then I connected the external hard drive to my original, slower, computer and tried to do the same thing.  On this computer I could not open the project file.  Hmm.  That was strange because I created the video with that computer.  Well, this is my dilema.  The versions of Kdenlive are the same on both the old and new computers, namely,, with KDE Frameworks 5.18.0, Qt 5.5.1 and xcb windowing system.  This is identical on both of my computers.

I read on the internet concerning this problem about one man who said that he ran something from the command line and he could get more information about what Kdenlive was doing.  I am not sure whether he ran the windows based program or the rendering.  But I was curious about any way to find out what Kdenlive is doing during this time when it says it is waiting.  Waiting for what?  Well, do you have any ideas of how I could solve this problem?  The solutions that I found on the web did not seem to help.  Several of them said to update Kdenlive to the latest version.  Well, I believe that I have the latest version.


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