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New(ish) user questions and issues

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New(ish) user questions and issues

Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:47 am
Hi! I'm new to the forum and relatively new to Kdenlive, although I've used it for simple projects such as editing my showreel; now I'm planning to use it to edit a short film, so things are getting interested! I'm also a software engineer, so I hope I can contribute to the codebase at some point.

Here are some initial questions and issues. For context, using Kdenlive 17.04.1 on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, NVidia GTX 570M with whatever drivers Ubuntu installed.
  • Is it possible to detach the clip/project monitor? Would love to move that window to a bigger, external monitor.
  • Is it possible to enable video scrubbing?
  • Enabling GPU processing (Movit library) makes Kdenlive freeze upon subsequent restarts. I know it's a new feature, is there a workaround until it's fixed?
  • The stabilisation clip job doesn't seem to work very well; with the default settings, it doesn't appear to do much. I tried iMovie on a friend's Mac and the result was immediately smoother, and with far fewer knobs to tweak. Would be great to have something like this!
  • The stabilisation clip job crashes Kdenlive every time I run it after the first. I can work around this by deleting the temporary .trf files first.
  • Is there a way to save the current layout as the default layout, and have it load on start?

Thanks in advance!
Registered Member
Hi , welcome to the forum!

Just my opinion on bigger projects: my experience is, the bigger the project gets the more irreversible bugs etc i had to deal with. kdenlive is perfect for small projects, but if it gets big or you have a deadline etc.etc. i would not use it at the moment and wait till it gets more stable. I edited a 60 min feature with it and i can say it was rough!! i would not do it again. although i love kdenlive and it s workflow and features. at the moment i use lightworks for bigger projects. it s not open source, it costs money if you want to export more than 720p. but it is more stable for bigger projects.....

EDIT: but i m sure the devs will be happy if you help them unbugging ;) ... t=kdenlive


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