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Bash Script Renders Titles as White Screen

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OK I'd like to update and clarify from new testing.
#1) I am able to render fine from the .sh scripts if X is rendering like vpinon was saying. I forgot that when it was working I was using the SSH terminal but locally (meaning that when I launch through the terminal I am still running X because it is a local session). This does work and render properly.
#2) It is weird but rendering remotely with no X generally works in terms of sound but any period where a title text is used the screen will be white for that portion.

Is it possible to find a true 100% way to render from the shell without an X server perhaps in a later version or maybe some tweaking?


Areeb -
Registered Member
Just one more update X forwarding does work.

So for example this way to your rendering box:
The key to enabling forwarding is just the "-X" switch but you'll also need to ensure X11 forwarding is enabled in the remote /etc/ssh/sshd_config with "X11Forwarding yes"

Code: Select all
ssh -X
cd /home/user/Documents/scripts

After the above it is a remote way to render with the script but I really wish a headless non-X way was possible. The goal with these scripts was eventually to create a massive Cloud Rendering Farm. For now I've been able to use low-powered front-ends to do editing and then use the high powered boxes to SSH in and do the rendering.

Thanks again vpinon for your help and if there's anyway to make rendering truly headless this would be a huge step forward and I would be willing to contribute hardware or whatever it takes.

Cheers guys


Areeb -


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