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Mixing sources: making a simple & efficient color grading

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Hello everybody!
Since I began making "serious" video job, I decided to use only open-source and Free software for eveything AV (easy under Ubuntu-Studio). And KDEnlive quickly became my favorite (and mostly exclusive) editor.
My first works were mainly shot with a single cam (Canon EOS 60D), whether with forced color t° preset, or left in auto. I never had to wonder about color adjustments (except for esthetic reasons, where I could find the time to experiment a few filters provided and copy/paste the filters to whatever needs it) while editing. The result always looked "coherent".

I recently bought a lesser sensor-sized but much easier to shoot Pentasonic Lumix FZ300 as a main outside cam and inside interviews second cam. And my first "multicam" experiment (with these two cams plus two 550D) was very disappointing.
First, not knowing at all the FZ300, I shot everything in auto color t° mode. While all three Canon where in "cloudy" setting".

The difference between the three Canon ant the Lumix makes it terrible in the editing. I tried to use filters like Color t°'s but never found a way to have matching tints and contrasts. It's even more difficult if I say that we couldn't do a white reference for the cams, and that they were posted so that none of them sees the same lighting (in a little barn with only two small asymetric holes to let the cloudy light in).

[edit] I've tried to shoot with EOS and Lumix at the same preset for color t°, but the color rendering stays very different. So I will have to find a way to compensate permanently this difference.

There's another issue, concerning the "grain" of the picture. The EOSs of these models/generations actually over-sample to 1920x1080 what is a bit lesser (something like 1500 horizontyally have read somewhere) and the caracteristic (and quite esthetic, may I say) "grain" it gives to the image is quite different to the Lumix's fine acutance with no "matter" at all (and, oddly because of the sensors sizes, lesser noise).

Well, I'm juste a beginner and quite ready to learn the next lesson. What are the work methods ? The good and useful filters ? How to use them ?

Thank you in advance for any link, advice, experience return you can provide. :)
KDE Developer
For color grading, maybe look for posts from Inapickle on this forum ;)
You may use the vectorscope to properly tune any color effect you use across cameras.
I really don't practice much, but I believe color curves effect gives you all the freedom you might need.
Saturation is also a parameter that some camera brands boost excessively...


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