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Kdenlive future developement

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Kdenlive future developement

Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:45 am
Hi there,

I have some questions about Kdenlive project and developement:

1) Is there a way to fund Kdenlive? I wasn't able to find any link to donate on the website.
2) Do you accept suggestions for new features? Which platform do you recommend to do achieve this?
3) Do you still use Bountysource? I found several Kdenlive related issues, but they were very old (at least 2 years ago) . Can I use Bountysource to propose a new feature and give some money to fund its developement?
KDE Developer

Re: Kdenlive future developement

Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:17 am

1) Kdenlive is part of KDE community, which accepts donations on KDE website; all money is common across projects, used mainly to organize events like coding sprints and conferences (akademy just closed!). it's nice to at least have trips paid for the benevolent contributors!
It is under discussion to allow donations for a given project...
2) We have feature requests logged on our phabricator board (for KDE members) and bug tracker... but having only 2 devs (over their scarce spare time), currently focused on a big rewrite of timeline component, it may take some time if not trivial
3) I wasn't aware of bountysource, we don't use it. However it it brings us new devs why not?

I would say getting money is one problem, but spending it is another ;)
We don't have anyone who already masters Kdenlive code, and would have available time to work on it for a paid job.
This is a thing to think of and discuss with other KDE projects who do so...

Thanks for your offer anyway, I hope we will find a solution to boost Kdenlive development soon; in the meantime don't hesitate to give to KDE ;)


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