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NOT LOVING the latest color controls!

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NOT LOVING the latest color controls!

Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:39 am
I'm sure this isn't the place to submit suggestions to developers, but I wanted to see if anyone thought I was missing something.

With the switch to KDE5, the color selection utility went from something very elaborate (ability to choose a color by name) that I used to love to something simpler and more general. For me, this meant I had to take more notes, but I adjusted, ands even learned how to use online color palettes to give me new and better choices,

But with Kdenlive version 16.12.3, the color controls have changed again, and it seems to me that there's a big design flaw. Here are the two SEPERATE pages of the interface. I'm putting them side by side, but I don't believe I can look at them both together If I want to enter the code, I click the plus "sign" in the lower left hand corner, and I can no longer see my color selection. The hard, measurable, objectivity of html color coding is gone. When I am dealing with similar shades, I am genuinely baffled and frustrated.

Years ago, I was one of those cranks posting angrily about the advent of KDE4. In retrospect, I think I was about 75 per cent wrong, and about 25 per cent irrelevant. So I want to be polite and respectful here. Am I wrong this time? I don't have a great track record for being right.
Registered Member
These color controls are not developed for/by kdenlive, they are the standards components of the KDE framework.
That means that you should post your remarks in a more appropriate place ( or


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