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Move/shift to other track

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Move/shift to other track

Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:04 pm
OK, so I'm fairly new to video editing so perhaps more experience will prevent this "error".

After completing a 20 minute video, I realized that some elements were interfering with my title clips (wouldn't this be better named as Text Clips? but that's for another discussion) and that my title clips should have been on the top track (track 5 in the case of this video) and I thought of moving/shifting them up to track 5 but they were time-positioned correctly and although I could take some time to ensure that when shifting them, that I would position them (time-wise) correctly, because of the sheer number of them, it would be a lot of effort.

It was at this time that I thought that I would ask if a tool/menu option could be made available to shift a selected clip to a different track but in the same time-position, this would have saved me a lot of time. In the end, I decided that, in order to same some time and effort, I would just eliminate the element that was being interfered with despite the fact that I really wanted it there. This is just a personal video so it really wasn't that critical but it would have been nice to have (I can "correct" this in the future but not now).
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Re: Move/shift to other track

Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:51 pm
jrickards wrote:I would ask if a tool/menu option could be made available to shift a selected clip to a different track but in the same time-position, this would have saved me a lot of time.

Hi Jrickards,

I'd already experience such kind of problem editing a Kdenlive project, and I had to move clips one by one (moving cursor to begining of clip with Ctrl-Left Arrow, moving clip, thanks to magnetic that keeps time position, and so on). :-\
I think the UI could be improved with a functionality that allow to select and move a set of clips inside the timeline, across tracks.
Ideas for selection: 8)
  • select all clips from one or more tracks from a position to end of timeline (and not necessary all tracks as actual moving tool allows)
  • rectangular selection in timeline
  • one by one selection in timeline by clicking clips
  • control and shift keys as modifiers for selection
Ideas for moving selected clips: 8)
  • free move across tracks, and at different time
  • magnetic on cursor (or other objects outside selection) allows to keep exact time position of moved clips (user need to chose an adequate cursor position before moving clips)
Nice to have, Isn't it? :P


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