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Deinterlace in monitor view not working!

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Hi to everybody, my name is lalegion. I'm a veteran video editor that three years ago switched from windows to linux.
I found in kdenlive a professional and very powerful tool. My work for the past 13 years has been to produce videos for corporations and private clients. All my productions have three pillars: visual FX, compositing and of course editing.
Right now I'm working on:

* KDE Neon LTS
* KdenLive 17.08.1
* ProRes format

As I do a lot of green screen compositing on Blender, I usually deinterlace my footage outside of Kdelive (FFMPEG) because I couldn't still extract one frame per field from within Kdenlive.
But I still use kdenlive to visualize my shots and do my raw cut.

Everything works fine but I would like to be able to watch my original material (which is generally 1080i) on the clip/editing monitor without the banding caused by the interpolation when resizing the monitor view size.

I have checked all the different settings on Monitor/Monitor config menu. Nothing changes, no matter which deinterlace method I choose.
So I'm a bit stuck with this at the moment. But as you can see, it is not a big problem and I can perfectly live with it but I would like to do something about it.
Of course if I set the Monitor size to 50%, the banding is not visible because the interpolation at half size does not show it.

I hope I was clear and thanks for any advice you can give me!


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