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MOD-Files are marked as invalid

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MOD-Files are marked as invalid

Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:40 am
I wanted to use some of the video files of my old JVC camera (file extension MOD) to make a new video. But these files are now invalid (kdenlive 17.04.3) and were removed. According to avidemux these MOD files are MPEGs.
When I change the extension to 'mp4', or make a link then they are loaded correctly. The same happened when I use ffplay, so it seems to be an ffmpeg (version 3.2.4) issue.
Should I now make links to all my MOD files as a workaround, or should I upgrade to the latest ffmpeg version (3.3.4) in hope that this helps or is there any other option?

thanks in advance,

Dets ...


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