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Workflow, where am I going wrong?

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Workflow, where am I going wrong?

Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:04 pm
I cant seem to find this in docs. If someone can point me at a doc that solves my issue I'd really appreciate it. How do I stretch and apply dissolve transitions to multiple timeline video clips at once? My goal is create a music video from multiple video tracks.
For instance I have four tracks of continuous video and one track of audio. I group the video tracks. Then I play "the project" and I press CTRL+R for every 8 beats in the audio. Then I go through and delete clips that I dont want and it leaves something that looks like this where each '[----]' represents a clip:
Code: Select all
v1 [----]            [----]
v2       [----]             [----]
v3             [----]
v4                                [----]

This is a simplified example as I would normally have a 4 minute song and I dont always use 8 beats as the slice point.
I want to create dissolve transitions between the clips. Right now I have to drag the right side of each clip to create an overlap one by one. In addition its really hard to create an overlap of the same length for each one. Then click each overlap to create the dissolve transition. The transition rarely works without my specifying what the target track is, so that's another 3 clicks. The whole process is really time consuming.

  • Am I doing something dumb in my workflow and there is some more efficient way to achieve my goal.
  • If not, is there some way to drag the right side of multiple clips to create the same overlap?
  • Am I missing something about the way the auto dissolve transition is applied because it never seems to work unless I tell it which track is the target?
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Welcome to editor's job ;D ... It's hard as that!

I don't know If I understood but...

If you have a target track and your transitions are all the same size, you just need to configure the first one and then, copy and paste.

(auto) just work if your track is related it other

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Copying and pasting the transition makes sense, thanks. But wont that really only work if the clip overlap is the same for every transition? That leads me back to the first part of the question.
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Re: Workflow, where am I going wrong?

Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:35 pm
As gilpereira already pointed out: you can copy and paste transitions around. Take care for the direction; it might be necessary to revert it sometimes.

Edges of clip and transitions are magnetic. So once you placed the transitions at the beginning or end of a clip you can move the next clip and it will snap to the transition.
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As gilpereira already pointed out: you can copy and paste transitions around. Take care for the direction; it might be necessary to revert it sometimes.

Edges of clip and transitions are magnetic. So once you placed the transitions at the beginning or end of a clip you can move the next clip and it will snap to the transition.

Perfect! My english is so bad... I was thinking a way to explain, thank you ;D .


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