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KDEnlive 17.08.1 - clip blank after changing Speed effect

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Hello, I'm using KDEnlive 17.08.1 on Windows 10, and ran into the following bug. After putting together a video from 6 video clips and 1 audio track, a client requested that one clip be slowed down. I added a speed effect (60%), rearranged my clips so they lined up again properly, and rendered the video. All was good.

At a later time I returned and replaced the audio track, and then attempted to adjust the small clip speed (from 60% to 70%, or to 75%, neither work). When I do so, the video clip I'm adjusting goes blank in both the preview and the final render.

I've searched and it seems that this bug, or a similar one, was reported over 5 years ago, but I can't find anything since. Is there a workaround or fix for this?


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