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Kdenlive 17.04.3 and Cinnamon DE 3.4.6

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Hello all,

New to Kdenlive forum, but have enjoyed using Kdenlive the last couple of years after using apps like Vegas, Premier, etc. extensively in a corporate training environment for quite a while. I have really been pleased with the progression of development and found Kdenlive to be an outstanding alternative to bloated, over-priced commercial apps.

I recently encountered a minor glitch that caused me a good bit of “grief” and couldn’t find any solution from pretty exhaustive searching. I use Linux Mint OS (18.2) with Cinnamon DE (3.4.6) and Kdenlive 17.04.3. After some recent upgrades I ran into an issue using the dark theme. I prefer to use the dark theme as it is much easier on my eyes when I have very long editing sessions.

In the dark theme, while looking at the render dialog box, for the “Output file” section I couldn’t specify a filename and path. Turns out that what I was seeing was actually a white font on a white background for the “Output file” option, which was virtually unreadable unless I clicked and dragged to highlight the text. I tried selecting various “themes” and “styles” in the Kdenlive setting menu without success. I’ve also tried various other “fixes” including using the current LM repository version of kdenlive (16.08.2 if I recall correctly) and a couple of previous versions as well. I also tried several Cinnamon desktop themes including the OS default, all to no avail.

A last ditch effort eventually worked however. I found the Cinnamon control theme "Mint-Y-Dark" provides the black text necessary to see the "Output file" information against a white background. While not my favorite control theme, this is an acceptable compromise for me to make Kdenlive Dark Theme usable. Thought this might be useful for others using Cinnamon DE.

Much gratitude and respect to those who develop Kdenlive. Keep up the great work...
Registered Member
I'm having the same problem.
I also don't have Cinnamon DE (I don't know what it is, but it's not an option I can find for "themes") so that isn't something I can do. And the white theme backgrounds are really hard to work with visually.
I hope that this issue will be dealt with at some point by simply programming dialog boxes so that white box automatically displays dark font.
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i usually use a dark themes.. on Windows version i have to use a "custom" one (the only one with a decent contarst with text)


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