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Windows timeline play/pause ideas that may help for now

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Here's a couple ideas to try for easier play/pause resume play, etc
until the play button and SPACE etc works consistently to play/pause/resume play.
Just thought i'd toss it out there because it helps me here a bit.
I'm new to this so I'm sure there's even better ways.

I use the play zone to determine the section of the timeline to play.
(to find that I hover mouse the tiniest bit over the top left corner of the top track in timeline,
until popup says zone start, then left click and drag right, etc)
In Settings> Configure Shortcuts I set Play Zone to Space ( ie the Spacebar)
Then I add some markers to the timeline.
The to jump around between marks etc I use Alt+Left/Right (sometimes holding it a bit to move further),
and can do this while playing, because SPACE here will go all the way back to beginning of play zone..
To pause playback I use K (set to pause by default)

Well, just some ideas that help me with timeline playback issues for now.

Any other ideas for Windows kdenlive timeline playback/pause/resume playback welcome.

Thank you.


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