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No video shown in clip- and project monitor kdenlive

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Registered Member
(I posted this a few days ago also in the openSuse forums, but got reply so far).

In my current version of kdenlive (17.08.3-1.1 from the openSuse Tumblewed repo) there is no video shown in both clip monitor and project monitor.
The clips are shown in the clip overview, the edited project is visible in the timeline (both audio and video), and I can click "Play" in both Project or Clip monitor,
but all I get is the audio.

The effect is the same in all my current projects, and also if I start a new one.

I have never had this behavior in the previous releases.

Anyone an idea what can cause this?
Registered Member

No one around here who can shed some light on this problem? It makes kdenlive pretty useless,
which is a small disaster for me because I have a few projects half done, and some more on the way.

I assumed devs are reading this forum too. Is that correct, or am I barking up the wrong tree here?
In that case, can anyone direct me to the/a right place?

Thanks a lot in advance!
KDE Developer
I am (used to be?) a dev, reading from time to time, but have almost no time left for coding (& debugging) at the moment. And how to reproduce your problem, as I've never seen this...
If you run the program from a terminal, do you see any useful output?
If you run "melt your_project.kdenlive", what does it give?
What if you (re)move your .config/kdenliverc?
What can have changed: update of Qt/KDE Frameworks/FFmpeg/MLT/graphic drivers that has broken the stack...
I don't know Tumbleweed, is there a mean to play with packages releases (reverting Kdenlive to a previous release)...
What graphical environment are you using, KDE or some other desktop?
Registered Member

Thanks for your reply, reassuring that someone is with me!

I'm using PLasma.
Tumbleweed is a rolling distro, so there are lots of changes each week.
The only real change I can remember is the change from the proprietory Nvidia driver to the the one submitted by Tumblweed.
But for as far as I know that is only a repackaging of that proprietory dirver (I'm not using nouveau).

Opening from terminal as such gives no output, but if I open the project it does:

Invalid NAL unit 0, skipping.
[mpegts @ 0x55769e9d57a0] DTS discontinuity in stream 0: packet 3 with DTS 93601, packet 4 with DTS 97200
[mpegts @ 0x55769e9d57a0] DTS discontinuity in stream 0: packet 5 with DTS 97201, packet 6 with DTS 100800

<then lots of these last lines with increasing values after "DTS", and then:>

[mpegts @ 0x55769e9d57a0] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: h264 (High) (HDMV / 0x564D4448), none(top first)): unspecified size
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
[AVBSFContext @ 0x55769ea28920] Invalid NAL unit 0, skipping.
[mpegts @ 0x55769ea1b580] DTS discontinuity in stream 0: packet 3 with DTS 93601, packet 4 with DTS 97200

<again lots of these lines, ending with: >

[mpegts @ 0x55769ea1b580] DTS discontinuity in stream 0: packet 125 with DTS 313201, packet 126 with DTS 316800
[mpegts @ 0x55769ea1b580] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: h264 (High) (HDMV / 0x564D4448), none(top first)): unspecified size
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
[ac3 @ 0x7f3d180024c0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[ac3 @ 0x7f3d1800c740] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 26058, resource id: 100665011, major code: 130 (Unknown), minor code: 3
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 26096, resource id: 100665011, major code: 130 (Unknown), minor code: 3
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 8 (BadMatch), sequence: 26106, resource id: 100665011, major code: 130 (Unknown), minor code: 3

The last lines come in great quantities whenever I change anything in the subwindow sizes of the main window (e.g. increasing the sunbwindow that holds the clips used,on the left side of the main window).

Running melt <one-of-my-projects> give the same result, bot in the window (audio OK, no video), as in the messages on the teminal.

Removing ~/.config/kdenlive.rc does not give a change (except that the settings are gone, I should have made a backup copy first...)

What I see now (in all variants tested) is that I <do> see the title clip...

Hope you can make anything out of this!
KDE Developer
I would need to look more at your logs,
before that can you try working with our AppImage (downloadable on
If it still doesn't work then it is probably a display driver problem, if yes then the difference would be in the libs...
Registered Member
The Appimage version works!
Registered Member
If the Appimage version appears to do the job(s) I have to do, I can of course live with that. It's too late here now (22:20, have to be up at 6:45 again) to do rigorous testing, but will continue with my project tomorrow and see what happens.

But of course I'm perfectly willing to do more testing of the Tumbleweed package, if your time permits.

Thanks a lot anyway!


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