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Replacing source files for Clips in Project Bin

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I wonder if it's possible to replace a source file for a clip, without replacing all old clips in my timeline, or moving/renaming files on disk.

In Blender VSE I can change source file reference for any strip (however there's no Project Bin, so I'd have to do this for each clip separately).
I'd love to have an option in the Kdenlive's Project Bin to select a new source file for a selected clip. I would rather only need this to supply media of the same type, length and dimensions.

Example situation:

I have video that uses multicam footage and a single audio track mixed externally in Ardour.
I have exported my mix to audio_1.wav
I made my editing in Kdenlive but I have to update the audio mix.
I've exported a new mixdown to audio_2.wav

Now I would like to tell Kdenlive that the imported audio clip should now reference not audio_1.wav but audio_2.wav instead.

I know I could cheat Kdenlive and rename the files so that the new file audio_2.wav is now called audio_1.wav, and audio_1.wav is now audio_1_old.wav. It would work but is a bit messy, and I might later get confused what is what and which audio version is now in use.

I could instead use audio.wav and make it a symlink to my current mix exported from Ardour, but I would have to plan this ahead and prepare my links before importing files to Kdenlive to not have to rename stuff later, and it's a bit cumbersome.

I guess I could replace the file path in Kdenlive project file, but this is potentially destructive to my project and not something that anyone can do - it's also time consuming to find this and replace it. I guess I could make myself a little sed one-liner to handle that, but again - this is hacking. I think it would be better if Kdenlive could do this on it's own.

Another example:

I have an animated intro that I render from Blender - I have the same audio but different video for each episode of my show. I render out a new animation (PNG sequence) for each episode and then have to replace that maintaining audio-video sync.

Importing a new clip, placing in in my timeline and deleting the old one is totally feasible - however If I could simply do Clip > Replace Source File > New animation and be done it'd be awesome!

What do you think about this?
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Before someone comes along who really knows about it... what's wrong with a second audio track? Then the duration can also vary.

If only the clip is to be replaced: project bin, right mouse button, locate clip.

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