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Tab stops disappear in title clips

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Tab stops disappear in title clips

Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:34 pm
Hi all,

To show the roles and their actors in a movie, I want to use tab stops within a text frame in a title clip, like


This way the names of the actors/actresses get nicely aligned vertically.

When within the text frame, entering text, this works fine, but as soon as I leave the text frame, the tabs are ignored, and on each line the name of the actor/actress is set immediately after the last character of the name of the role.
When rendered, that's what I get too.

As soon as I re-enter the text frame, the tabs are back again, to disappear again after leaving the frame.

I use a proportional font, so using spaces to separate name role from name actor/actress is not a real solution.

I'm using the Appimage version 17.12, on Tumbleweed (a rolling distro fromOpenSuse Linux).

I there a solution for this problem?


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