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Opinion and remarks regarding the application, 17.12

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Hello developers.

Tried several times to use your app. It is very promising and Usability. But there are some sad parts that makes work almost impossible. For several releases, I'm waiting to fix these errors, but errors remain in the current release (ver17.12).

1 - it is Impossible to use the tool - "Edge Crop". This tool always moves the cropped image symmetrically relative to the center, not depending on the Checkbox - "automatic center-crop". A very important tool, but working with him is not possible, in the form in which it is now.(and in Linux and in Windows).

2 - Playback on the timeline, by pressing the "space bar" not working adequately. (only in Windows).

3 - In effects, the function of increasing the size of the works not from the centre of the image, and from the top left corner is very uncomfortable.(and in Linux and in Windows).

4 - Very conveniently implemented in the Adobe Premier. There when you add a new object to the Timeline, he already has a basic set of effects (Crop, Rotate, Zoom, Position). I recommend you to do so.

With best wishes from Russia
Sergey Nitkin


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