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Windows - timeline cursor and playback stops working

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Hi, I just recently started using Kdenlive on Windows and it basically was the first Video Editor I was happy with.
But then it just stopped working properly after a week of using it and I can't figure out why.

So every thing was fine one day and on the next it wasn't anymore. When I click anywhere on the timeline the timeline cursor takes a few seconds to move to that position. If I click on multiple positions rapidly after each other the cusor moves to each of these and takes a few seconds between each move.
On klicking play, it tries to play back the video but the project monitor just shows a still image. Audio is running but jumps back and forth, and overall just the same part is played over and over again. The timeline cursor doesn't move while the playback is 'running' and playback doesn't start at the timeline cursor's current position (sometimes not even close to it).

So at first I thought something has gone wrong with some cached file or with the current project. But it also happens on new projects with different clips in different formats from different sources.
Then I deleted everything on the PC i could find named kdenlive, downloaded the newest version again and copied ffmpeg into the folder. So I basically made a clean install as far as I can tell, but still everything was the same.
I have now tried different releases of kdenlive and ffmpeg but nothing caused any improvements. (I don't know how it could have as I changed nothing in the first place but who knows...)

So now I don't know what I could try or what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully someone here has an idea.
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pschaefer wrote:Hi, I just recently started using Kdenlive on Windows and it basically was the first Video Editor I was happy with.
But then it just stopped working properly after a week of using it and I can't figure out why.

So every thing was fine one day and on the next it wasn't anymore. When I click anywhere on the timeline the timeline cursor takes a few seconds to move to that position. If I click on multiple positions rapidly after each other the cusor moves to each of these and takes a few seconds between each move.
On klicking play, it tries to play back the video but the project monitor just shows a still image. Audio is running but jumps back and forth, and overall just the same part is played over and over again. The timeline cursor doesn't move while the playback is 'running' and playback doesn't start at the timeline cursor's current position (sometimes not even close to it).

So at first I thought something has gone wrong with some cached file or with the current project. But it also happens on new projects with different clips in different formats from different sources.
Then I deleted everything on the PC i could find named kdenlive, downloaded the newest version again and copied ffmpeg into the folder. So I basically made a clean install as far as I can tell, but still everything was the same.
I have now tried different releases of kdenlive and ffmpeg but nothing caused any improvements. (I don't know how it could have as I changed nothing in the first place but who knows...)

So now I don't know what I could try or what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully someone here has an idea.

maybe something related to Kdenlive processes not killed after using the APP... i'm using also Kdenlive on windows 10.. and everything seems working fine.

try to build this BATCH file to kill all kdenlive instances running: (create a text file... copy text on it... rename the file from .TXT to .BAT)
Code: Select all
taskkill /IM "kioslave.exe" /T /F
taskkill /IM "kdenlive.exe" /T /F
taskkill /IM "dbus-daemon.exe" /T /F
wmic process where name='kdenlive.exe' delete
wmic process where name='kioslave.exe' delete
wmic process where name='dbus-daemon.exe' delete

and execute this BAT file as Administartor to completely kill all Kdenlive processes

Also... try to use this FFMPEG build: ...
Registered Member
bartoloni wrote:maybe something related to Kdenlive processes not killed after using the APP... i'm using also Kdenlive on windows 10.. and everything seems working fine.

try to build this BATCH file to kill all kdenlive instances running: (create a text file... copy text on it... rename the file from .TXT to .BAT)
Code: Select all
taskkill /IM "kioslave.exe" /T /F
taskkill /IM "kdenlive.exe" /T /F
taskkill /IM "dbus-daemon.exe" /T /F
wmic process where name='kdenlive.exe' delete
wmic process where name='kioslave.exe' delete
wmic process where name='dbus-daemon.exe' delete

and execute this BAT file as Administartor to completely kill all Kdenlive processes

Also... try to use this FFMPEG build: ...

Appreciate your help, I tried both but it didn't make a difference.
Apart from that I tried what happens if I render the project. The WebM renderer crashes but the others work and the output is correct. I don't know whether that has anything to do with it.
Also it's for sure not the system limiting playback. CPU and SSD/HDD are basically in idle and RAM is at ~60% (only have 8gb) when it's trying to play.
Are there any log files that might give more insight?
Registered Member
I've had a problem with the player too. Also using Windows 10. When I first open it, I can hit Space or click the Play button and it'll play fine, but after that, I have to not only do that, but click on the timeline (where the numbers are) to get it to play.
Registered Member
Ok, well the issue has solved itself. Don't ask me what's different now. It just started working again in the same way it suddenly stopped working.....

@foxsen It's the same for me. A bit anoying, but I haven't looked into that yet. I can live with it if the rest is working.
Registered Member
I had this problem on a Linux Ubuntu system. It was caused by my setting the number of Processing Threads from 1 to 2 (Configure Kdenlive==>Environment==>Processing Threads). Once I changed it back to 1 Processing Thread, everything was back to normal and no further issues arose.
Hope this helps...


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