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Images in output differ from monitor preview

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Anonymous Seal
First time using Kdenlive so apologies if this is a dumb question. I have a set of still images cropped to 1920x1080 aspect ratio. They are varying sizes, some larger or smaller than 1920x1080 pixels. The project output is set to 1080p. Watching the preview in the monitor window after adding them, everything looks perfect. However the rendered video output reduces the still image width and repeats it 4x to fill the frame, while leaving the still image height unchanged. Screen-shot to illustrate here:


If I manually scale the image to be exactly 1920x1080 (tested using Gimp or mogrify) both the preview and output display this strange artefact.

What can I do with the images to force them to display correctly please? They must each fill the 1920x1080 frame in the output.

If it matters, I am using Kdenlive version 17.12.0 appimage on an up to date Ubuntu 16.04 machine.
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As it seems (bad picture quality, I don't see much), in Kden is the view in the Clip-Monitor. On the time track, the graphic already looks like the one shown in the picture (videos); also on the left side in Kden. The best thing to do is to upload the image so that someone else can test it on himself. (For example, here:

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Anonymous Seal
I haven't a clue what causes this, however I tried converting the original images which were normal JPEGs to PNGs, and everything looked good in the output. Not a solution, but an acceptable workaround.

The JPEG's are ordinary and not suffering from any file corruption, etc. OpenShot rendered them correctly in the exported video, however I prefer to use Kdenlive so I'll use the 'convert to PNG' workaround from now on.


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