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audio clip controls not locked with video clip control

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I have .mov (1080 30p) video clip with an audio track. I also have a separate audio clip recorded on my Android (.aac) for the same footage. I was able to use "Set audio reference" on the video clip and "align audio to reference" on the audio clip.
But When I play the Project Monitor, they start out ok, but if I stop and reset the playhead to the beginning, the audio track does not reset. any further play, and it keeps playing from wherever I stopped at, even though the video clip playhead returned to the beginning.
NooB here; help, I cannot figure out how to 1) force the two clips to be locked to each other (grouping didn't work) and 2) use the same play/rewind controls for both.
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I did an extraction from the audio clip into a WAV format. If I use this in a track, instead of the audio clip from the phone, I see that controls are working with it.
I don't know if it's relevant, but I inserted the clips in reverse order: first audio, then video. I set the video as the audio reference, then aligned the audio to the reference. It syncs perfectly now and the controls work for both clips.


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