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Kdenlive is suck, unless there are proper groups

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I hope there are a lot of complaints about this topic on this forum.
But I still decided to do so even without expectation that this will help.
I had a few tries to go from blender video editor to kdenlive. But always had the same problem. Kdenlive is bright and quick and fancy but with the major mistake in the core.
I am about applying effects to the groups.
I know you would say:
- But hey, you can just select everything you need in drag and drop you're effect!
And then when I have some changes, do this again or copy and paste. Add another strip? Don't forget to copy effects. And again and again and again and again...
And also there are my case, time-laps video, where I have to change speed of video.
With my last half an hour time-lapse video made in blender I had around 100 cuts. I just group everything and apply speed effect. And still was able to go into this group and edit.
What about kdenlive. You can't copy speed effect with some value to your strip. And even if you can! The length of every stripe would change and you'll have to manually reposition everything.
Why is this a case? Why groups can't work like in blender? Isn't this the basic workflow that you want to see in video editor?
It is for me!

Best wishes. Vitalii


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