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Library function bug

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Library function bug

Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:54 pm
In 17.12, I am having trouble with the library function.

In the timeline, I selected a number of clips that included subtitles created using Title Clips, and imported them into the Library where I saved them as "End of cold training 02.mlt".

I then opened another project and dragged this file into the bin. From the bin, I dragged "End of cold training 02.mlt" onto the timeline.

I then navigated to TIMELINE - CURRENT CLIP - and selected EXPAND CLIP. But the clip in the timeline would not expand. Nothing happened at all.

I need the clips contained in "End of cold training 02.mlt" in order to complete the project. Until I can find a way to solve this, the project remains unfinished.

Any suggestions will be appreciated!


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