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Kdenlive Tutorials for V18?

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Kdenlive Tutorials for V18?

Sun May 06, 2018 2:58 pm
I recently installed Kdenlive 18.04 and am just getting started on using it.

I don't have much luck using YouTube videos for tutorials and have only been able to find one Kdenlive tutorial document. That is a *.pdf file named "The Kdenlive Quick Start Guide". The quick start guide is a little dated and most of the YouTube stuff is for older versions and I have not found a tutorial page yet that even mentions more recent versions of Kdenlive.

This page has a pretty good start on a tutorial but it is for an older version of Kdenlive. I can tell that because of the mention of "trees" instead of menus and also because of some subtle differences between the instructions and what I see in the menus on 18.04:

Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart -

This page has a pretty good basic tutorial based on Version 15.08.3 and also has a comment that it is no longer tracking with the more recent versions.

Kdenlive/Quickstart -

Just on the chance that I have not found it yet, is there a better place to find a non-YouTube tutorial for 18.04?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help.



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