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Editing exchange format from Pixar: OpenTimelineIO

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I only just heard about Pixar's OpenTimelineIO:


OpenTimelineIO is an interchange format and API for editorial cut information. OTIO is not a container format for media, rather it contains information about the order and length of cuts and references to external media.

OTIO includes both a file format and an API for manipulating that format. It also includes a plugin architecture for writing adapters to convert from/to existing editorial timeline formats. It also implements a dependency- less library for dealing strictly with time, opentime.

You can provide adapters for your video editing tool or pipeline as needed. Each adapter allows for import/export between that proprietary tool and the OpenTimelineIO format.

Use Cases

  • I have a timeline in Adobe Premiere, and I want to bring that cut into my in-house animation system.
  • I have a timeline in Avid Media Composer, and my Producer wants to know a full list of the media I'm using.
  • I am about to render a bunch of shots & I want to make sure my frame ranges match what Editorial is asking for (not too long or too short).
  • The Editor just added some cross dissolves and I need to know how many more frames (at head or tail) of which shots need to be rendered.
  • Legal needs a list of all the audio we're using (music, effects, dialogue) in the current cut.
  • TDs/Animators want to get a cut from Editorial for reference, and then splice their updated renders/recordings into that cut.
  • Editorial is working with proxy media (QuickTime, MXF, etc.) and I want to gather all the EXRs that correspond with that & bring those into Nuke.

Has OpenTimelineIO been discussed much in the Free Software video editing community?
Would this be something that Kdenlive could aim to support? (once the big refactor is finished)

Exchange with other programs can currently be a real barrier for a lot of professional or collaborative workflows.

(see forum posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...)
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