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Something up with audio and title clips

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Hi I'm fairly new to KdenLive, like just started today new. I have a problem where the audio stutters when i put a title clip and only stutters during the time the title clip is playing. I can't figure out what to do so I hope someone can help me thanks!
Registered Member
In order to play smoothly, depending on the power of your machine, it may be necessary to render some or all of the clips or graphics on your timeline. This is done by marking an in point and an out point on the timeline and adding a "preview zone" -- this is done by either right-clicking on the grey area in the timeline 'ruler'* section, or selecting the menu item >Timeline >Timeline Preview >Add Preview Zone. Then you need to tell KDEnlive to render, by clicking on the 'Start Preview Render' button (to the right of the star), Shift-Enter There is a drop-down there that allows you to set various options, such as "Automatic Preview", which will start the render shortly after you have added it.

A word of warning: as of the current stable repo version (17.08.02) KDEnlive sometimes gets "confused" about where its renders belong, if you move stuff around. That is why there are the "Remove Preview Zone" and "Remove all Preview Zones" options when you right click on the 'ruler'.

*By 'ruler' section I mean the top of the timeline where the seconds are measured out, like a ruler.


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