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Is KDL Available For High Sierra 10.10.14 Yet?

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Over the past year or so, I've tried to compile Kdenlive, I had it working on my MacBook Pro Yosemite. Now that I have a desktop that I use for editing, I wanna give KDenlive a try since it's a free, open source and seems like a fantastic editor. I really wanna make KDenlive my non-film editing software.

I know that it's outdated and probably not updated for Windows and Mac users, since it's made for the KDE, but I was wondering if KDL has any possibility for it to compile correctly. I tried 10 times over the past couple of months and it never works. Before it would say the contents inside KDL is damaged, now I just don't see anything.

I don't know if I'm following the right instructions, or there's way too many instructions that I'm not following. I'm not code savvy, but I try to figure it out so I can compile KDL. I'm about to give up and not go back.
After downloading and uninstalling X-Code, CLT and MacPorts more times than I can count and using this webpage
As well as the very detailed page on the KDL page.....I'm at a loss.

Please help. If High Sierra can work KDL, then please let me know where to look. If not, then let me know so I can quit. Thanks


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