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Interesting Problem In Kdenlive

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Interesting Problem In Kdenlive

Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:28 pm
Hi guys!

I have a rather unusual problem, that I have simply failed to find an answer to.
Basically, this is about variable frame rates.

I have a youtube channel, where I upload a compilation of the best sports highlights on a weekly basis, in a nuthsell I append a lot of individual clips into one.
I am using 1080p 60FPS as my project profile, in order to have the transitions/effects rendered at 60FPS.
All the video clips in that project are at 24FPS, hence after rendering the transitions/effects are rendered at 60FPS, while the clips are still at 24FPS.

All that is perfectly fine, and now comes the problem.

The entire rendered output file, obviously reports a framerate of 60FPS when inspected by mediainfo, since I chose a 60FPS profile.

I want the output file to have a variable framerate, where the sections with the transitions would report 60 FPS, while the video clips would report 24FPS.

So is it possible to choose a variable framerate in kdenlive, or could I bypass choosing a general frame rate for the entire project?

Thanks in advance!

Registered Member

Re: Interesting Problem In Kdenlive

Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:15 pm
Seems possible in FFMPEG with 2, vfr. See here: ... -a-maximum

Adjust your render profile accordingly.

Maybe you found more answers with Google.


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