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KDenLive wont start - free(): invalid pointer

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Using Ubuntu 18.04.

This was working fine a few weeks ago. Last time I booted was only to check and try and help another member on the Ubuntu forums and it was working then. Not changed anything that I would have thought related to it since,

KDenLive has stopped opening again. Last time I had an issue I deleted the ~/.config/kedenliverc and this seems to solve everything (but that was due to me changing something in the Preferences it didn't like.) This time it hasn't been used for a while but has stopped working on its own.

Code: Select all
$ kdenlive
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
QApplication: invalid style override passed, ignoring it.
free(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)

The qt5ct usually works fine (in fact you can find an old thread where somebody else was having issues and I posted my terminal output from a successful boot and those lines are there) it is used to get my theme working in qt5 programs as well as gtk.

From a bit of research it seems free(): invalid pointer errors are to do with C/C++ and the way they deal with memory. Something is obviously not right here!

I tried deleting the kdenliverc file as before. No change. I apt purged and reinstalled the program as I had very little configuration changes from default (just the theme and project folder location) and this hasn't helped either.

Any idea how I can get this running again??
Registered Member
Come on, this is a rather serious issue for your soft to have!!

From a suggestion elsewhere I have apt removed kdenliev followed by every single lib* marked as a dependency then reinstalled kdenlive to get it to pull back the dependencies to the system. No change, fault still the same.
Registered Member
Just noticed yesterday that KDenLive has now got the ppa set up for Bionic, it didn't when I first installed and forgot to check when I opened this thread.

Unfortunately adding it and upgrading to the latest version on there made no difference.

Also tried creating a brand new user and tried on that account to have a completely clear Home. Still get an error, which to my untrained eyes looks similar/related but a little different.

Code: Select all
$ kdenlive
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
QApplication: invalid style override passed, ignoring it.
double free or corruption (out)
Aborted (core dumped)
Registered Member
Well I can use the appImage version of the refactoring beta, but it's beta not stable and doesn't really solve the overlying issue here! But at least I can make some edits when I need to now...... :-/


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