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IMPORTANT feature proposal for KDEnlive. (Copypaste)

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Copy-pasting multiple clips across projects is not possible.

I have a backup of my previous video projects, where different parts of the video are intact.

KDEnlive betrayed me (see: viewtopic.php?f=265&t=153358&p=401706#p401706 ) and my video project was completely messed up.

Video clips were put into random order and duplicated.
Also text clips were randomized.

So the only realistic recovery possibility is copypasting the intact parts from each project file.

But KDEnlive does not yet allow that.
Why not automatically add files to the project that were inserted directly into the clip editing bars?

The feature I suggest: Cross-project copypasting. Is there any workaround that does not involve individual reconstruction of the video clips?


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