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"reload clip" does not update values (length, etc.)

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I use an audio track to store short audio segments that are subject to change periodically. If I overwrite these clips with new content of the same (or shorter) lengths, everything works fine. But if I try to replace a clip with a length greater than the one used during the creation of the project, the clip gets truncated during playback. I have tried "reload clip" hoping that kdenlive would analyse the "new" clip and adjust its properties, but it does not! The only way that I have found is to completely delete the clip from the project and "add" it again... Is there away to force kdenlive to completely "rebuild" a project and adjust all clip properties (as long as there are no overlaps or other errors) ???
Registered Member
I have not really a solution but maybe a work around. I found no automatic timeline organization according the clip length.

Another possibility: If the clips have numbers according their place in the timeline, then you just can drag/drop the clips into the bin and from there into the timeline and it would be according the numbers of the clips. This way you create each time a new project.


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