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kdenlive is still at version 0.9.10 for MacOS on MacPorts

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It's real, several years back. And now, on High Sierra, it doesn't even build, stops on config error.

I'm not a programmer otherwise I would take care of it myself. As I can't, I just set up a VirtualBox linux machine to run kdenlive and solved the problem (*my* problem).

Furthermore, I'm not demanding anything from anyone, I know this is FOSS and I understand the concept.

But, just out of curiosity, how can this be? I mean, most of good linux applications, which no doubt kdenlive is, are timely ported to MacOs through either HomeBrew or MacPorts, or even by the developers themselves (like inkscape for instance, another excellent one).

But for me, this is a mistery. So, why is kdenlive so many year behind on MacOS, can anybody satisfy my curiosity? It already came out for Windows, imagine!

Looking forward to comments.

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jsilva wrote:But for me, this is a mistery. So, why is kdenlive so many year behind on MacOS, can anybody satisfy my curiosity? It already came out for Windows, imagine!
Looking forward to comments.

I think that Kdenlive for Windows come out because there are more users than Linux + MacOS.. more users.. more diffusion... like what happened for Open/Libre office ... VLC.. .. and also the KDE porting of the entire "suite" starts very very long time ago' (i remember when i used for the first time the KDE-W32 applications on ReactOS.. it was 2008)

i very love Linux for the huge opensource code that every day is made... thanks to Linux, Windows switched from Shareware to Opensource apps on first years of this millennium (BTW i very hate the very old "shareware" idea) and everyone using windows (lot of licenses at ZERO cost around with dead Notebooks/PCs) can be productive without spending money (like on Linux)

Apple users can use iMovie for free (i think that a buggy/work-in-progress replacement will never be considered an alternative .. this stops developers)... but Windows users have just the sh**ting Movie maker (OMG) .. and also ... some windows users (finally) started to hate piracy. (good-bye Microsoft Office)

P.S. Umh.. maybe too Windows-related reply...

P.P.S. why you are not using iMovie? or why you are not using some Linux distro in dual-boot if you love opensource?
KDE Developer
Nobody maintains the MacPort (none in the team has a Mac).
I plan for months to finalize building Kdenlive with KDE Craft, which could build MacOS binaries, but still haven't had enough time for it.
Let's see in the near future...
Registered Member
Thank you for your replies.

@bartoloni: I don't think this is a matter of audience because kdenlive is coming from linux which has the smallest share of the three. Furthermore, although I'm not a developer as I said, it seems to me that it's a lot easier to port a linux application to MacOS (through MacPorts) than to Windows.

why you are not using iMovie? or why you are not using some Linux distro in dual-boot if you love opensource?

I don't use iMovie because it's very, very, limited when compared to kdenlive; I guess you already know that.

I do love opensource and I do dual-boot. In fact, I was using Gentoo almost exclusively for my daily chores on my MacBook Pro; MacOS was just sleeping on the other partition. But a couple months back I concluded that I was spending much more time than I could afford upgrading and fixing things. Lately this climbed to an average of a couple of hours daily, although not only for the Mac. So, I now switched to MacOS, only boot Gentoo when needed, and only upgrade it monthly.

Oh, and I replaced my home Gentoo server by a FreeBSD (FreeNAS) which I can now almost forget. I can tell you that it saved a lot of my time.

To avoid booting back and forth, as I said before, I set up a VM with Devuan on MacOS, which requires very little maintenance. That's why my Gentoo system is now sleeping most of the time.

@vpinon: So, that explains it. Thank you for your fairness and I hope you can find some time to do it.
It's a pity (for me and kdenlive on MacOS) that you don't own a Mac. I must tell you that hardware wise the MacBook Pro is clockwork, very well designed and built, although I wouldn't pay the price they ask for a new one. I bought mine for a fraction about 3 years ago; it's a late 2011 model and still absolutely actual.
About MacOS, it's very stable and trouble-free when compared to the many distros I tried during 20 years using *nixes. Only sorrow, it's not open source, of course.



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