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Show Title Bars is glitchy

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Show Title Bars is glitchy

Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:21 am
I couldn't get my Project Monitor to undock (previous thread) so I found I needed to show the title bars. Well what I've found now is that after this, if you hide them again, and then bring them back, then the project monitor and others like the effects widget lose their title bar again. Very annoying. I feel this might have something to do with the fact that they're widget blocks with two widgets inside, as in you can tab between Project Monitor and Clip Monitor.

What fixed it for me a few times now is:

Uncheck show title bars
Go to View and uncheck all items in the widget block. Again, as in, Project Monitor and Clip Monitor
Bring back just Project Monitor (no you can't just delete project monitor, you have to get rid of both first)
Recheck show title bars

That brought back the title bar for Project Monitor and I was able to undock it again from the main area.


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