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Video stop to run in Project Monitor. How restore in windows

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Hello guys,

I am try use Kdenlive but this has been hard, Now I am Stoped, I can not work more on kdenlive. Please some help.
I was lot of time wait to use Kdenlive, but now that i buy a good notebook with features that allow run kdenlive. 8G RAM, 64bits, video board, Intel Core i.5

I install perfectly kdenlive and for some time i can use Kdenlive, but now it is broken. Can not use more.

I already faced the another error in the windows of the play button did not work, but this for me was not a big problem. I was using space key + right arrow untill kdenlive broken.

The big problen is being the videos stop to run in Project Monitor . The video run well on Clip Monitor only.

Before the error, I change some settings, so I try any time rastore de default setting, but not work, the setting is still the way i change. Exemplo: I change in Settings > kdenlive Settings > Project Defaults > change 1080p to 720p. THE BIG PROBLEM: I delete all kdenlive folder on windows and all files, install two times, but it not work yet, I try restart de notebook and not work yet. Never the default setting back again. It always bring my choice 720p and not default 1080. only change if I do it manually . Why? I want it do a default restore, becouse the error can be for another change i do. It happens that Kdenlive is work with cache! It is possible? Becouse i delete and install 2 times and it brink not the defalt setting.

Why is this happening?? how restore all Kdenlive in windows? How can I do the video run in Project Monitor?

I will be very grateful to some help

thanks so much
Registered Member
There are 2 issues/bugs with Kdenlive on Windows:
- Play/Pause bug. Work around see here: viewtopic.php?f=265&t=153701&p=403067&hilit=play#p402988
- After you finish Kdenlive you have to kill some running processes. Download the batch file from here: viewtopic.php?f=265&t=142662

Next steps:
- Before you try again make sure you delete the AppData. See here: viewtopic.php?f=269&t=152358
- Download the actual version from here:

Extract the Kdenlive folder on your desktop. You don’t have to install. Just double click the Kdenlive.exe in the Kdenlive folder.

Try again.
Registered Member
Thanks so much for your reply Merlimau,
I was able to fix that problem after deleted the kdenliverc file. But before, just after intall again kdenlive, in the first entrance, I across in a new problem in windows, and after searching here in the forum I read that it is another bug in the windows version. It was a long time to me find what happen, but the solution is so simple.

I follow this reply: viewtopic.php?f=265&t=138533#p375142

the error is that all MP4 video was invalid when I try add clip in the fist time to creat project.

(image reprodution)

Simple to fix, I just closed the Kdenlive an open again and it accept all MP4 videos forever.

The must strange to me was that, in the first instalation, before all bugs I see, that bug not occour, only now. Strange.
But Ok it is fix now.

Thanks so much for your reply.


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