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Kdenlive return landscape vídeo for portrait original video

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Here you go some question I can not solve untill now.

I have a mobile video in portrait position, add it for a project in kdenlife, but it get landscape position when render.

When I Render de video it get black borders. When I was watch the video on mobile it is very small.

There is a way to Render the video as portrait like the original video?

There is a way to customize a frame to portrait position and add the mobile video in this size on Kdenlive? Like set a frame to 720 width X 1280 Height and not 1280 width X 720 height

The original video is 720 width x 480 height (but it display portrait on mobile, like 480 widht X 720 height, why?) as you can see on the pic in the mobile:

Original video rec on mobile:

Video render in Kdenlive, the video get a so small view in the mobile, with black border:

The video on kdenlive is render to 1280 X 720 and it seem smaller than the original mobile video 720 X 480.

I try zoom, was not good, I try position and can not got a good job. Please some help do fix it? How can I display a video render on kdenlive like the original video rec on mobile, in full screen portrait. How can I render without black border?

look at the difference between the two videos present on windows. kdenlive get black border. The Original video is displayed Portrait:

I am new for Kdenlive, but i want learn a much from it. This program is increrible!

I am every day watch tutorials. Can not find any teacher something to fix it I want.

If you can give me a link for a tutorial about it I will be very grateful.

Thanks so much!
Registered Member
This gets difficult:
- You have to change the project settings as customer to 720x1280.
- You have to change the aspect ratio from 16/9 to 9/16 in the project setting.
- You have to change the FFMPEG render settings as well. I’m not sure if this is possible.
Registered Member
Merlimau wrote:This gets difficult:
- You have to change the project settings as customer to 720x1280.
- You have to change the aspect ratio from 16/9 to 9/16 in the project setting.
- You have to change the FFMPEG render settings as well. I’m not sure if this is possible.

Thanks so much Merlimau, your reply help me to give a solution!

I will give you the way i set to get a perfect portrait video to me after Kdenlive render.

I create a new custom project profile. But how i can not do it before? I try it as i say! Becouse looking only in "Settings" > "Kdenlive Settings" > "Project Defaults", and it has no the possibility to you add a custon project profile. Has no any button to add it. So When you say that " i have to change the project" I have certain that is possible to change it to PORTRAIT position, so I was seaching in all menu the way to change it. OK . SO I found!! We can add a new Project Profile only when you click in "NEW" to create a new project. So you see all default project profile and in the top right has de button to add Custom Project Profile. I add my default PORTRAIT PROFILE. But only appear in the list after I closed Kdenlive and open again. And got it! Now I can choose the PORTRAIT PROJECT PROFILE when I need it. GREAT!!!! Kdenlive render in portrait for mobile perfect now!

I want suggest has that portrait profile as defaut, it is very nice have a portrait profile!
- Twoo default portrait i creat:
720 x 1280 - 30 fps
Display aspect ratio 9:16

480 x 720 - 30 fps
Display aspect ratio 9:16

- Maybe Add a button to create custon profile project in "Settings" > "Kdenlive Settings" > "Project Default" too.

Great program guys!!!

Thanks so much!!!
Registered Member
Glad to here, it works. Thanks for the step by step guide.
virtuox wrote:- Maybe Add a button to create custon profile project in "Settings" > "Kdenlive Settings" > "Project Default" too.

I forwarded to the developers.

Just checked: is there, on 2 places already:
Settings -> configure Kdenlive -> in “select the default profiles” click on “Manage the project file” -> Create new profile
Project -> Project Settings -> in “select the profile of the projet” click on “Manage project profile” -> Create new profile

Please mark it as solved.
Registered Member
Merlimau wrote:Glad to here, it works. Thanks for the step by step guide.
Just checked: is there, on 2 places already:
Settings -> configure Kdenlive -> in “select the default profiles” click on “Manage the project file” -> Create new profile
Project -> Project Settings -> in “select the profile of the projet” click on “Manage project profile” -> Create new profile

Thank you for this clarification.

This is a error?

I went behind to know why I did not have that button into this way you say:
Settings -> configure Kdenlive -> in “select the default profiles” click on “Manage the project file

Only now i can see that the window open contracted holding the button: different about anothers windows that open perfect:

Look what is happing in the window when I click here in "Settings" -> "configure Kdenlive ", The button is being hidden and part of the profile options too:


I can not find the button becouse All time I just expand down, so the button remained hidden:


Just after a total expand down and right side I can see all item into the windows, inclusive the button:


Now look how the window is displayd in "Project" -> "Project Settings”, it show the button "Manage project file", but hidden all the bottom button :


I can note that another windows have this same problem, The Button "NEW", it open bigger than the screen of the computer, hidden the all bottom button, you can see a big empty space on top. You need contracted to see all the item into that window:
Registered Member
I run Kdenlive on Windows 7. The minimum window size is always that I can see this icons. On which OS do you work?


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