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does kdenlive have any add-ons or plugins?

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Bruce Chastain
Registered Member
Reason I ask is I'd like to explore what capability that might give, and see if I can create something from there. I don't really want to modify the core software, just have a way I could add on some specific functionality. Could someone point in the right direction?

KDE Developer

Glad to see people interested in contributing ;)
It depends on what kind of add-on you want to work on.
If it is new effects (or interfacing with new multimedia libs) then it is actually in MLT or even plugins systems it can load (frei0r for video, Movit for GPU, LADSPA for audio)...
If it is interface tweaks then you can see what you con do editing Kdenlive QML files and then we will see how to share it.
If it is extra UI features, then probably it better to get into Kdenlive code, we can guide you if you want then.

Good luck!
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Hi Bruce!

As Vincent said, which area would you like to work on? Also what coding skills you have? A very cool feature for me would be to add LV2 audio effects or integrate GMIC video effects. That would mean coding an MLT module.

Here you can see some of our roadmap proposals: ... gm-report/

On phabricator you can find many ideas. There are some low hanging stuff that might help you get started but also some advanced feaures. Check it out:

Besides the forum, you can use the mailing list or the dev telegram group to get in touch with the devs in case you have questions:

Cheers and welcome!

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Bruce Chastain
Registered Member
hey thanks for the warm welcome and good info! Here's the whole situation, please don't get mad at me for suggesting such a ambitious idea without really knowing what I'm doing :) Well I have a small youtube channel ( and for that video content I've been using Kdenlive for probably around four years (also before my channel) now and over these years of course I've thought of different ideas of things I'd like to do with kdenlive further than what it can currently do. Anyway the idea I have now is to create a speed and distance (maybe more later) overlay which uses your .gpx file from your running watch or whatever. There is already software that does this but none of the ones I've tried are very good and of course they are not integrated with Kdenlive in anyway.

As for myself, I work in IT but I'm not a developer. However pretty regularly I do get to build small utilities in my job using a variety of languages, but all for windows. I wouldn't call myself proficient at all in any language, but with some time and, I can usually hack together what I need.

From the short look I've done so far I'm thinking I could do this with an effect, maybe... I need to spend some time on the MLT site. But basically I'd need to display a number (the current speed) based on the calculation of speed which is taken from the users .gpx file. I suppose that file could be located on in the videos project folder. I think I've seen some .gpx C++ parsing libraries, maybe I could use something like that for the input and output. Thoughts on all that? Am I way off base?

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Maybe vincent has a better answer but I think you might want to look into the WebVFX MLT module. Don't know if it is still developed though. Also don't know if Kdenlive has some GUI for that, if not, maybe look into QML for creating the GUI?


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Bruce Chastain
Registered Member
farid wrote:Maybe vincent has a better answer but I think you might want to look into the WebVFX MLT module. Don't know if it is still developed though. Also don't know if Kdenlive has some GUI for that, if not, maybe look into QML for creating the GUI?


Thanks a lot for the suggestion, I have looked into webvfx and it does seem like that would would, but I'm not really seeing anywhere how to integrate it into Kdenlive, I see a lot about shotcut, but nothing on kdenlive. Also as far as development, it does looks a bit quiet, but maybe everything still works. Do you happen to know of an example of any parts of kdenlive using webvfx? Or any projects integrating it into kdenlive?

thanks again!


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