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I'm new here, but i'm used to use kdenlive since about 2 years, doing some basic video edition for a youtube channel. I'm on Linux Mint19xfce, freshly installed after my previous system on Mint18 became messy (4 years messing around. without really knowing what i was doing..). So, i have kdenlive installed, i have some files to put together to make a video, but now i cannot. The file (.avi, .ogg, .mp4 etc) don't want to go to the timeline. I never had this issue on my previous system. Here is a capture. The mouse in not visible, but it's on the blue section on the timeline, showing a nice "forbidden" shape... I don't know what i missed, how, when. Thanks for your help. |
Registered Member
You work with library item. This function is not proper working anymore. Put the library item first to the project bin (You have enable the project bin first: view -> project bin) and from the project bin drag it onto the timeline.
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