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Super 8 restoration

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Super 8 restoration

Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:21 pm
Hi everyone,
I've just bought an 8 and 8 super film scanner. It's a Reflecta 8 and super 8 scanner
From the first results, the quality has not convinced me, but I have seen on the web that it is also important to do a great post-processing job.
I wanted to know if any of you have already done post-processing of 8 and super 8 movies with Kdenlive.
Reading on the web I noticed the following post-processing steps:
  1. stabilize
  2. Crop
  3. Clean
  4. Denoise
  5. Sharpen
  6. Frame rate conversion
  7. Color and levels adjustment

I have seen that many use Avisynth scripts to perform the above processes. There is also a version for Linux (avxSynth). Does Kdenlive allow to read avxSynth scripts or is it possible/better to do it directly with Kdenlive filters?

Furthermore, my scanner allows setting the Exposure Value (from -2EV to + 2EV). To improve the quality could it be possible to acquire the same film with three or more different values ​​of EV and then combine them to increase the quality (a sort of HDR). Is it possible to do it in Kdenlive?

Thanks for your help

Gian Carlo
Registered Member

Re: Super 8 restoration

Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:30 pm
Not really a help but you see what you can get out of S8 material. It’s in german:

You can try all your steps direct in Kdenlive except: Frame rate conversion. Here I’m not sure if this is possible.


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