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JPG pictures not rendered

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JPG pictures not rendered

Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:04 am
Hello, I'm new to KDEnlive and this forum.
I've created some videos inthe last month mixing video and JPG pictures, they were working pretty well.
This morning I rendered a video on which I just made some small adjustment (shrinking a part and enlargine another one), and the in the rendering the JPG pictures appeared as blank.
After some trials I create a new video with just 1 picture and the result is the same.
I was using version 17.12.0 and the installed 18.12.1 with same results.

The video preview is working fine.

I'm using KDEnlive on Windows.

Thanks for you help, Mau.

Last edited by maubon on Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JPG pictures not rendered

Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:20 pm
Hi, I saved one of the JPG pictures as PNG, changed the video and now it works.

So the question is what changed (... or what I changed without noticing ...) this orning so that the JPG pictures are no longer rendered, while PNG have no problems.

Thanks, Mau


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