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Windows 10_Virtualbox 6.0_Xubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64_Kdenlive

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I'm trying something for the first time. In order to check out kdenlive appimage on this Windows 10 system,
I installed Virtualbox, then within Virtualbox installed Xubuntu, then with Xubuntu went to Kdenlive download
page and downloaded the Linux appimage. I went to the Xubuntu download folder, right clicked on the appimage
to give it permission to execute. I then right click on the appimage> execute, but nothing happens.
Any ideas for me to try?

When I go to run the appimage in the terminal at the Xbuntu Downloads folder with something like
the terminal says "error while loading shared libraries: open shared object file: No such file or directory""...any ideas, thanks
new to this, but I then tried
sudo apt install libxcb-keysims1
but got the error message
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manuall run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
But I don't know how to do that.
Thanks for any ideas to try.

did this
sudo apt install libxcb-keysyms1 (with right spelling this time)
and it went out and got something
so now at Downloads folder
./kdenlive19.appimage (different spelling here)
does run the kdenlive appimage
Registered Member
Download the released version from here: ... 4.appimage. Right click the AppImage -> properties -> permissions -> execute: change to all
Registered Member
Not sure if I saw any options "change to all", but I had done right click> execute and got it to run once.

Turns out that after a few days of trying to get Virtualbox shared folders to work unsuccessfully, and finally finding the Machine> File Manager, and not being able to even create a session there, I decided to just go ahead and work with the Windows versions of Kdenlive.

I had thought it might be nice to check out the Linux appimage, but it's just beyond my computer knowledge to hack away at trying to get all the many variables to work just right in order to be able to actually use Kdenlive inside the Xubuntu, inside the Virtualbox, inside Windows 10. Plus it seemed all a bit sluggish.

So I'm going to wait a while, and maybe try to tackle all that again someday.

The real problem was just not being able to access source video files from the host to the guest. So I'll wait on all that for now and get back to all the great things Kdenlive 18.12.2 and the unstable version of Kdenlive 19.04 (or 19.03.70 ?) can do.

I'm looking forward to getting back into creating in Kdenlive, and not spending so much time trying to get the appimage to work on Windows. At some point I wish to get a dedicated Linux machine though. But the Virtualbox thing, never could get that to really flow.

Anyways, a bit of a ramble, but perhaps good for some others to hear the experiences of someone at their experience level. And maybe some ideas to help simplify the
Virtualbox and Kdenlive appimage setup procedure may come into this topic.

Thanks again for the ideas.


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