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How do I use my own render script?

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How do I use my own render script?

Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:52 pm

I'm working on Microsoft Windows 10,
after doing some study on complex FFmpeg documents,
I want to try to use my own render script to render the project of Kdenlive,

for example 8-),
use an encoder not on the list (like h264_qsv), applly parameters not on the list.

All options for rendering seems to be fixed,
Kdenlive seems does not grant something like [v] use custom rendering command.
Could anyone please tell me how to do that? Or should I post a [Feature Request] for this?

Thank you very much ^-^ !
Registered Member
Hi, I have managed to render H264 and HEVC (H265) using the Intel 620 QSV acceleration on Kdenlive on Windows 10 as follows:

1) I am using the current version of KdenLive (20.04.1)
2) Install Kdenlive and also install Shotcut v200412
3) In settings... Configure Kdenlive.. Environment point the ffmpeg and melt as follows:
C:/Program Files/Shotcut/ffmpeg.exe
C:/Program Files/Shotcut/ffplay.exe
C:/Program Files/Shotcut/ffprobe.exe
C:/Program Files/Shotcut/share/mlt/profiles
C:/Program Files/Shotcut/qmelt.exe
4) Create Custom Render scripts like:
f=mp4 movflags=+faststart init_hw_device=qsv:hw filter_hw_device=hw vf='hwupload=extra_hw_frames=64,format=qsv' global_quality=%quality hwaccel=qsv vcodec=hevc_qsv preset=veryslow progressive=1 g=15 bf=2 acodec=aac ab=%audiobitrate+'k'
f=mp4 movflags=+faststart init_hw_device=qsv:hw filter_hw_device=hw vf='hwupload=extra_hw_frames=64,format=qsv' global_quality=%quality hwaccel=qsv vcodec=h264_qsv preset=veryslow progressive=1 g=15 bf=2 acodec=aac ab=%audiobitrate+'k'
5) Select "Bypass codec verification" in the Kdenlive general configuration.

This cuts a 90 minute 264 render down to 20 mins on my Dell 5500 laptop, and a 2 hour HEVC down to 30 mins.

The Shotcut version of melt/qmelt and ffmpeg libraries support the QSV accelerated Codecs.

I'm sure the kdenlive developers could easily provide the necessary support?


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