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Things stopping me to use v19...

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Things stopping me to use v19...

Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:30 am
I'm a professional software tester. I love to test the latest (Windows) kdenlive and hope that I can help to make it better. But there are things stopping me...
1) Old fonts of existing project have to be replaced.
Why are some fonts of the old version removed? If I make series of videos they will look different in each kdenlive version. This has happened many times in the past.
2) Project of v19 can't be opened in v18.
That's a big concern. I always test the new version with my "real" project and I keep a good old kdenlive version for fallback. When I encounter a problem in the new version I can go back to the previous version. Now it's no longer possible. I would be stuck in such a situation.

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Thank you for the feedback and testing Kdenlive.

1. I think you talking about the fonts used in title clips. It pulls your installed text fonts. If you used a font which is not installed anymore on your system Kdenlive ask for a replacement. As the titler is under a re-write we could check if fonts should be embedded in the saved Kdenlive file.

2. Here I have to ask the developer for more details. But the 19.4 Kdenlive project file has a different structure which is not backwards compatible anymore. Maybe we could add a function to save an 18.12 version type project file.
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bigboss97 wrote:1) Old fonts of existing project have to be replaced.

This is not a Kdenlive related issue, the fonts are taken from windows FONTS folder (add fonts to this folders need an "installation".. drag n' dropping a TTF font on Windows/fonts make Windows ASK TO ADD the font to system... there are also some automatic installation procedures (for example with old Microsoft Office releases)
but if the font is not loaded by OS (and placed on font folder correctly) can't be used by modern applications.

P.S. just tried on my system, importing 10 TTF font, and after a Kdenlive restart, the fonts are visible and usable on video projects.

bigboss97 wrote:2) Project of v19 can't be opened in v18.

and this is right, updated releases of any software add more informations (and improvements/fixes) to project structure, this is also visible on "professional" software (for example the impossibility to open DOCX documents by old Microsoft Office suites... and personally 15 year ago i have issue opening video projects created by Corel Media Studio on Ulead Media Studio... that was the SAME PRODUCT, just rebranded.. same thing with vectorial layers from Corel Paint Shop Pro to Jasc Paint Shop Pro .. same product, different "brand" after company acquisition)
Kdenlive is still in development, and is a nice thing that projects structure have changes/fixes/improvments.

As a software developer everytime i release an update for my applications, if i need a "radical" change of databases (to improve speed/optimization/size) i do the changes without any worries... never look back to old/bugged/slow code... just improve/fix/speed-up... old databases can be opened by old applications, new databases with new applications, when porting a 18.08 project to 19.04 is better to make a backup (now this is automatically generated by latest Kdenlive builds)

Talking about Kdenlive, i ran into this issue one time ,i have a large project (work in progress) created by 18.08... opening it (and saving it) with a nightly build of 19.04 changed the content making impossible for me to use it again on 18.08... burned my fingers 1 time.. after that i started using copy of projects on newly released versions of kdnelive (BTW i completed this project on 19.04.2... on 18.08 i started having crashes when project complexity increased... this mean that 18.08 was good.. but not enought to do what i want)

BTW.. what is the major issue ( "When I encounter a problem in the new version" ) that your are experiencing with 19.04 ???
have you tried an updated nightly build? ( for example: ... 64-gcc.exe )
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bartoloni wrote:This is not a Kdenlive related issue, the fonts are taken from windows FONTS folder (add fonts to this folders need an "installation".. drag n' dropping a TTF font on Windows/fonts make Windows ASK TO ADD the font to system... there are also some automatic installation procedures (for example with old Microsoft Office releases)
but if the font is not loaded by OS (and placed on font folder correctly) can't be used by modern applications.

P.S. just tried on my system, importing 10 TTF font, and after a Kdenlive restart, the fonts are visible and usable on video projects.="bigboss97"]

Yes, the fonts are taken from windows. I'm using the same Windows for the new kdenlive therefore I'm expecting that it can pick up the same fonts.
I still can open the old project without any font problem which means Windows have no problem with the fonts.
bartoloni wrote:and this is right, updated releases of any software add more informations (and improvements/fixes) to project structure, this is also visible on "professional" software (for example the impossibility to open DOCX documents by old Microsoft Office suites... and personally 15 year ago i have issue opening video projects created by Corel Media Studio on Ulead Media Studio... that was the SAME PRODUCT, just rebranded.. same thing with vectorial layers from Corel Paint Shop Pro to Jasc Paint Shop Pro .. same product, different "brand" after company acquisition)
Kdenlive is still in development, and is a nice thing that projects structure have changes/fixes/improvments.

As a software developer everytime i release an update for my applications, if i need a "radical" change of databases (to improve speed/optimization/size) i do the changes without any worries... never look back to old/bugged/slow code... just improve/fix/speed-up... old databases can be opened by old applications, new databases with new applications, when porting a 18.08 project to 19.04 is better to make a backup (now this is automatically generated by latest Kdenlive builds)

Talking about Kdenlive, i ran into this issue one time ,i have a large project (work in progress) created by 18.08... opening it (and saving it) with a nightly build of 19.04 changed the content making impossible for me to use it again on 18.08... burned my fingers 1 time.. after that i started using copy of projects on newly released versions of kdnelive (BTW i completed this project on 19.04.2... on 18.08 i started having crashes when project complexity increased... this mean that 18.08 was good.. but not enought to do what i want)

BTW.. what is the major issue ( "When I encounter a problem in the new version" ) that your are experiencing with 19.04 ???
have you tried an updated nightly build? ( for example: ... 64-gcc.exe )

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying anything wrong with kdenlive. I have used "professional" software before... Premier on my 486, then Ulead, then Corel. I started using kdenlive on Ubuntu for some features which Corel X4 couldn't provide. When kdenlive Windows got stable I moved to kdenlive completely.

I've been paying my bills with software testing for the last 25 years. I believe I know the development process quite well. I know you can't support old stuff for ever. We have to move on. I know kdenlive is in development. I never say how bad it is. I always try to work around problems myself.

The first problem I found in v19, expanding clip does not work. Then I worked around the problem by expanding my library in v18 and re-open the project in v19. After realizing that I can't open v19 project in v18, I encountered a crash when I just started editing on a new project for few minutes. Then I started thinking what happens if can't continue on a half finish project. I don't want to burn my fingers (as you said) :-)

I do report bugs. But I have to get my project done first before I get the time to investigate the problem and make a test project to reproduce the bug.
I don't use nightly build. My projects are simple YouTube videos. The old kdenlive is good enough. But when I'm not busy with my projects I love to get the new release and help to improve the software.

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ok .. i see the issue related to "expand" :
and about the missed fonts.... probably something was changed from 18.08 to 19.04 in project structure (wrong paths on titler tool scripts?)
well.. like Merlimau writed, the new titler tool will appear on kdenlive soon... this mean that if it's possible is better to wait the new tool before starting investigating the missed font bug...
for now i'm very sorry that it's not possible to solve these things :( (i hope soon)
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bartoloni wrote:ok .. i see the issue related to "expand" :
and about the missed fonts.... probably something was changed from 18.08 to 19.04 in project structure (wrong paths on titler tool scripts?)
well.. like Merlimau writed, the new titler tool will appear on kdenlive soon... this mean that if it's possible is better to wait the new tool before starting investigating the missed font bug...
for now i'm very sorry that it's not possible to solve these things :( (i hope soon)

Don't worry about the font replacement. I have always accepted the replacements in the past (i.e. not the first time). As you can see, it didn't stop me using kdenlive. I might have exaggerated the matter a little bit, sorry about that :-)
But the fact that I don't have a plan B to finish my project is really "scary".

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bartoloni wrote:probably something was changed from 18.08 to 19.04 in project structure (wrong paths on titler tool scripts?)

Just downloaded v19.12.3 (portable) and opened a v19.12.0 project on the same machine (WIndows 10). It's still asking me to replace fonts.
Basically, that happens to me each single time.
btw, I deleted the file kdenliverc before I started the new version. That's correct, right?


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Don't worry about my previous post.
I just tried to test with a simple project between v19.12.0 and v19.12.03. I couldn't reproduce the issue. Now my guess...
I'm using projects from an old machine and it asked me to to replace fonts (that's correct!). But the changes wasn't saved in the new project and it has been carried forward from generation to generation. I'll do some more testings.
Sorry about the false alarm :-)

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yep... fonts are taken directly from windows/fonts folder... better to copy all fonts from previous machine to avoid issue on projects...
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Re: Things stopping me to use v19...

Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:52 pm
OK, I've just done some testing again... opened an old project with font issue and saved it as a new project. Then I checked the XML file. All the old font names are not replaced. Now I know what I didn't know :-)
When Kdenlive says: Font will be replaced, it only means replacing for this session. No matter how many times I save the project in the new environment, the new project always keeps all the old font names.
I thought as soon as I agree with the replacement my project would be updated accordingly.

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Re: Things stopping me to use v19...

Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:58 pm
bigboss97 wrote:After realizing that I can't open v19 project in v18, I encountered a crash when I just started editing on a new project for few minutes. Then I started thinking what happens if can't continue on a half finish project. I don't want to burn my fingers (as you said) :-)

Looks like what has scared me the entire time has come true :-(
Is there a way to convert a v19 project back to v18?



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