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Can someone explain these errors to me?

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Registered Member
Hi all,

Very new to Linux and the Open Source community.

Question of the day?

I tried to install "KDenLive" as a flatpak...

I used the proper commands in the terminal to 'run' KDenLive... these are the errors I received...

Yet KDenLive still launches and appears to be functional?

Any assistance would be of great help.
Thanks in advance :)

Sidenote: Using POP_OS! 19.10 on a AMD A6 quad core HP Laptop...

Errors and such copied direct from the terminal:

Flatpak run org.kde.kdenlive
Gtk-Message: 02:41:50.457: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 02:41:50.679: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 02:41:50.680: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
WARNING : Fails to parse "avcolour_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse "avcolor_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse "avdeinterlace"
WARNING : Fails to parse "swscale"
"avfilter.abench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.acompressor" is blacklisted
"avfilter.adelay" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aecho" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aemphasis" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aeval" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afftfilt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.agate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ametadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.arealtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ashowinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.channelmap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chorus" is blacklisted
"avfilter.earwax" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volume" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volumedetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.atadenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.avgblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackframe" is blacklisted
"avfilter.boxblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bwdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chromakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorkey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colormatrix" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorspace" is blacklisted
"avfilter.convolution" is blacklisted
"avfilter.crop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.cropdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.curves" is blacklisted
"avfilter.datascope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.dctdnoiz" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deband" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deflate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deshake" is blacklisted
"avfilter.despill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.doubleweave" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgraph" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgrid" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawtext" is blacklisted
"avfilter.elbg" is blacklisted
"avfilter.eq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.field" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldhint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldorder" is blacklisted
"avfilter.find_rect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.floodfill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fspp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.gblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.geq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqdn3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqx" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hue" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hwdownload" is blacklisted
"avfilter.idet" is blacklisted
"" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lenscorrection" is blacklisted
"avfilter.loop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lumakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lut" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutrgb" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutyuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.mcdeint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.metadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.negate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nlmeans" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nnedi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.owdenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pad" is blacklisted
"avfilter.perspective" is blacklisted
"avfilter.phase" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pixscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp7" is blacklisted
"avfilter.prewitt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.realtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removegrain" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removelogo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.roberts" is blacklisted
"avfilter.rotate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.scale_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.showinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.shuffleframes" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sidedata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.signalstats" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sobel" is blacklisted
"avfilter.stereo3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.super2xsai" is blacklisted
"avfilter.swapuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tblend" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tlut2" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tonemap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.transpose" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vectorscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vignette" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vmafmotion" is blacklisted
"avfilter.w3fdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.xbr" is blacklisted
"avfilter.yadif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zoompan" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "swresample"
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
WARNING : Fails to parse "jack"
"jackrack" is blacklisted
"frei0r.3dflippo" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bluescreen0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bw0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.gamma" is blacklisted
"frei0r.invert0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.rgbsplit0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.tehRoxx0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.transparency" is blacklisted
"frei0r.vertigo" is blacklisted
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
"burningtv" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "telecide"
"qtext" is blacklisted
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
WARNING : Fails to parse "deinterlace"
"videostab" is blacklisted
"videostab2" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "glsl.manager"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.convert"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.crop"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.resample"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.resize"
WARNING : Fails to parse "audiochannels"
WARNING : Fails to parse "audioconvert"
WARNING : Fails to parse "data_feed"
"data_show" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "imageconvert"
"mask_apply" is blacklisted
"mask_start" is blacklisted
"mono" is blacklisted
"region" is blacklisted
"resize" is blacklisted
"transition" is blacklisted
"watermark" is blacklisted
"resample" is blacklisted
"motion_est" is blacklisted
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
WARNING : Fails to parse "crop_detect"
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
"rgblut" is blacklisted
"spot_remover" is blacklisted
"text" is blacklisted
"timer" is blacklisted
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.acompressor"
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.aecho"
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.agate"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.alpha0ps" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.balanc0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.curves" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_curves.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.facebl0r"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.facedetect"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.levels" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_levels.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.lightgraffiti" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.select0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.sopsat" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset : "movit.unsharp_mask"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "qtblend" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/app/share/kdenlive/effects/qtblend.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset : "region"
++++++ Unknown asset : "timewarp"
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.subtitles"
++++++ Unknown asset : "opencv.tracker"
"frei0r.alphainjection" is blacklisted
"frei0r.blend" is blacklisted
"frei0r.composition" is blacklisted
"frei0r.xfade0r" is blacklisted
kf5.ki18n: Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.ki18n: "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {%1 fps} supplied before conversion."
kf5.ki18n: "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {%1 fps} supplied before conversion."
Loading bin playlist...
Trying to construct 5 tracks.
SUSPICIOUS: we weren't expecting a producer when parsing the timeline
- - -Deleting effect list widget
- - -Deleting transition list widget
deleting core
User avatar
Registered Member
I may figured it out...
According to POP!_Shop they use version 19.08.02

Which after testing it by installing it from that source it seems to be working just fine?
Will test out this 19.08.02 version and see what happens.

For now it seems that KDenLive 19.10 isn't supported in POP!_OS as of yet... As a appimage or as a flatpak.

If you have any suggestions, comments or ideas please share. Thanks
Registered Member
i there,
Happy new year :)
I am currently having difficulty with Kdenlive, it seems to be freezing my PC whenever I attempt anything even mildly strenuous, i.e. editing a video :)

SO, I stsrated it from the CLI today and I saw all the same errors you have. I don't use a flatpack (as far as I know) and install from ppa although it is entirely possible I did use a flatpak and have forgotten :) I'm getting old now ...!

In either case I shouldn't get this freezing behaviour.

My system is running Linux Kubuntu 19.10 anf Kdenlive is version 19.12.0
errors I see are these:

Code: Select all
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audiochannels"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audioconvert"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "data_feed"
"data_show" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "imageconvert"
"mask_apply" is blacklisted
"mask_start" is blacklisted
"mono" is blacklisted
"region" is blacklisted
"resize" is blacklisted
"transition" is blacklisted
"watermark" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "deinterlace"
"qtext" is blacklisted
"frei0r.3dflippo" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bluescreen0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bw0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.gamma" is blacklisted
"frei0r.invert0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.rgbsplit0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.tehRoxx0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.transparency" is blacklisted
"frei0r.vertigo" is blacklisted
"resample" is blacklisted
"videostab" is blacklisted
"videostab2" is blacklisted
"burningtv" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "telecide"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "glsl.manager"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.convert"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.crop"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resample"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resize"
"motion_est" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "crop_detect"
"rgblut" is blacklisted
"spot_remover" is blacklisted
"text" is blacklisted
"timer" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "jack"
"jackrack" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolour_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolor_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avdeinterlace"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swscale"
"avfilter.abench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.acompressor" is blacklisted
"avfilter.adelay" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aecho" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aemphasis" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aeval" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afftfilt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.agate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ametadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.arealtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ashowinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.channelmap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chorus" is blacklisted
"avfilter.earwax" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volume" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volumedetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.****" is blacklisted
"avfilter.atadenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.avgblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackframe" is blacklisted
"avfilter.boxblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bwdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chromakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorkey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colormatrix" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorspace" is blacklisted
"avfilter.convolution" is blacklisted
"avfilter.crop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.cropdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.curves" is blacklisted
"avfilter.datascope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.dctdnoiz" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deband" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deflate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deshake" is blacklisted
"avfilter.despill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.doubleweave" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgraph" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgrid" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawtext" is blacklisted
"avfilter.elbg" is blacklisted
"avfilter.eq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.field" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldhint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldorder" is blacklisted
"avfilter.find_rect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.floodfill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fspp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.gblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.geq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqdn3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqx" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hue" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hwdownload" is blacklisted
"avfilter.idet" is blacklisted
"" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lenscorrection" is blacklisted
"avfilter.loop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lumakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lut" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutrgb" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutyuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.mcdeint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.metadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.negate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nlmeans" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nnedi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.owdenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pad" is blacklisted
"avfilter.perspective" is blacklisted
"avfilter.phase" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pixscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp7" is blacklisted
"avfilter.prewitt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.realtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removegrain" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removelogo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.roberts" is blacklisted
"avfilter.rotate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.scale_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.showinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.shuffleframes" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sidedata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.signalstats" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sobel" is blacklisted
"avfilter.stereo3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.super2xsai" is blacklisted
"avfilter.swapuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tblend" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tlut2" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tonemap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.transpose" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vectorscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vignette" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vmafmotion" is blacklisted
"avfilter.w3fdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.xbr" is blacklisted
"avfilter.yadif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zmq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zoompan" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swresample"
"gtkrescale" is blacklisted
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.acompressor"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.aecho"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.agate"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.alpha0ps" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.balanc0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.curves" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_curves.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.levels" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_levels.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.lightgraffiti" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.select0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.sopsat" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "movit.unsharp_mask"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "qtblend" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/qtblend.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "region"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "timewarp"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "opencv.tracker"
"frei0r.alphainjection" is blacklisted
"frei0r.blend" is blacklisted
"frei0r.composition" is blacklisted
"frei0r.xfade0r" is blacklisted
kf5.ki18n: "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {%1 fps} supplied before conversion."
QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(): Object already has a QQmlContext
kf5.ki18n: "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {%1 fps} supplied before conversion."
Loading bin playlist...
Trying to construct 5 tracks.
SUSPICIOUS: we weren't expecting a producer when parsing the timeline

So, if thee is anyone reading these posts that could shed some light on all this scary looking stuff and, connect them to a freezing PC that would eb great. If not, then, at least, it's always nice to know that you are not alone ;)




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