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Questions About KDL and Rendering Hardware

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Hi all. I was hoping you could help me with a project I'm working on.

Currently in my possession I have a Mac Pro 3,1 as my main editing workstation. I don't really want to upgrade from it because its got 2 E5462's and 64GB of ram and the performance for what I do is fine, so as far as I'm concerned an upgrade to ryzen would be pointless. I only want to upgrade when 12 cores from AMD are cheaper and aren't threadripper / top spec 700 dollar chips.

Currently my issue is that renders take too long. So, my thought was to either take a final gen PS3 and run linux on it, using it as a networked headless rendering box for FFMPEG or KDL (if it can be used headless to render video?), or get a fixstars gigaaccel x8i 180 for 150 bucks off ebay. But, question is, does KDL support such technologies? Can it be MADE to support such technologies?

Thanks for any info.


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