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Kdenlive 19.12.1 segmentation fault (Linux Mint 19.3)

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Registered Member
Seeing the following after upgrading to this new version:

Code: Select all
$ dpkg -l | grep kdenlive
ii  kdenlive                               4:19.12.1+qt59-2                                    amd64        non-linear video editor
ii  kdenlive-data                          4:19.12.1+qt59-2                                    all          non-linear video editor (data files)

Code: Select all
$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Linux Mint"
VERSION="19.3 (Tricia)"
PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 19.3"

Code: Select all
$ kdenlive
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/16/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/16/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/22/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/22/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/24/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/24/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/32/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/32/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/48/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/48/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/96/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/96/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/scalable/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X/mimetypes/scalable/"
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/actions/22/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/apps/22/"
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/places/22/"
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/status/22/"
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/actions/24/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/apps/24/"
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/places/24/"
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-X-Dark/status/24/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/symbolic/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme:  "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/symbolic/"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audiochannels"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audioconvert"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "data_feed"
"data_show" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "imageconvert"
"mask_apply" is blacklisted
"mask_start" is blacklisted
"mono" is blacklisted
"region" is blacklisted
"resize" is blacklisted
"transition" is blacklisted
"watermark" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "jack"
"jackrack" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "glsl.manager"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.convert"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.crop"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resample"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resize"
"resample" is blacklisted
"gtkrescale" is blacklisted
"frei0r.3dflippo" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bluescreen0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bw0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.gamma" is blacklisted
"frei0r.invert0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.rgbsplit0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.tehRoxx0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.transparency" is blacklisted
"frei0r.vertigo" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "deinterlace"
"videostab" is blacklisted
"videostab2" is blacklisted
"rgblut" is blacklisted
"spot_remover" is blacklisted
"text" is blacklisted
"timer" is blacklisted
"burningtv" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "telecide"
"motion_est" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "crop_detect"
"qtext" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolour_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolor_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avdeinterlace"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swscale"
"avfilter.abench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.acompressor" is blacklisted
"avfilter.adelay" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aecho" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aemphasis" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aeval" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afftfilt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.agate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ametadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.arealtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ashowinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.channelmap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chorus" is blacklisted
"avfilter.earwax" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volume" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volumedetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.****" is blacklisted
"avfilter.atadenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.avgblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackframe" is blacklisted
"avfilter.boxblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bwdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chromakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorkey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colormatrix" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorspace" is blacklisted
"avfilter.convolution" is blacklisted
"avfilter.crop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.cropdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.curves" is blacklisted
"avfilter.datascope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.dctdnoiz" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deband" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deflate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deshake" is blacklisted
"avfilter.despill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.doubleweave" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgraph" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgrid" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawtext" is blacklisted
"avfilter.elbg" is blacklisted
"avfilter.eq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.field" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldhint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldorder" is blacklisted
"avfilter.find_rect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.floodfill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fspp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.gblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.geq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqdn3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqx" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hue" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hwdownload" is blacklisted
"avfilter.idet" is blacklisted
"" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lenscorrection" is blacklisted
"avfilter.loop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lumakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lut" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutrgb" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutyuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.mcdeint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.metadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.negate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nlmeans" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nnedi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.owdenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pad" is blacklisted
"avfilter.perspective" is blacklisted
"avfilter.phase" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pixscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp7" is blacklisted
"avfilter.prewitt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.realtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removegrain" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removelogo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.roberts" is blacklisted
"avfilter.rotate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.scale_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.showinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.shuffleframes" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sidedata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.signalstats" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sobel" is blacklisted
"avfilter.stereo3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.super2xsai" is blacklisted
"avfilter.swapuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tblend" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tlut2" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tonemap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.transpose" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vectorscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vignette" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vmafmotion" is blacklisted
"avfilter.w3fdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.xbr" is blacklisted
"avfilter.yadif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zmq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zoompan" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swresample"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.acompressor"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.aecho"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.agate"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.alpha0ps" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.balanc0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.curves" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_curves.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.levels" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_levels.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.lightgraffiti" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.select0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.sopsat" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "movit.unsharp_mask"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "qtblend" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/qtblend.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "region"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "timewarp"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "opencv.tracker"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "vidstab"
"frei0r.alphainjection" is blacklisted
"frei0r.blend" is blacklisted
"frei0r.composition" is blacklisted
"frei0r.xfade0r" is blacklisted
defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.audiosource"
qrc:/qml/kdenliveclipmonitor.qml:1:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" version 2.4 is not installed
Segmentation fault
KDE Developer
is libqt5quickcontrols2 installed? if not, can you try installing it and let me know?
I don't have an LTS setup ready to test...
Registered Member
Yes, it is already installed

Code: Select all
dpkg -l | grep libqt5quickcontrols2
ii  libqt5quickcontrols2-5:amd64         5.9.5-0ubuntu2        amd64      Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library
Registered Member
Did you have a chance to look at it yet?
Registered Member
I have the same problem on Xubuntu 18.04 LTS when trying 19.21.1 from Kdenlive PPA.
Had to go back to 18.12.3

Like hubertbanas, I also had the libqt5quickcontrols2-5:amd64 package already installed.
KDE Developer
I'm sorry I don't have time to fix this these days.
I am removing this broken version.
Please use the AppImage to get the latest Kdenlive if you don't want to upgrade your OS.
Registered Member
I don't suppose the 18.12.3 version can be returned to the PPA for 18.04?
The version from Ubuntu repo is even older.


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