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Export cut to DavinciResolve

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Re: Export cut to DavinciResolve

Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:50 pm
vpinon wrote:Hello,
Sorry I had a bug in an experimental support of keyframed volume/brightness effects. The fix is now merged in OTIO, but there have not been any OTIO release since then. So you must install from the git master, via : pip install
All this is still very experimental, thanks to report what you experience :)

I get errors when trying to install from the url you mentioned. I even tried pip install git+ ... TimelineIO

Any other way to install. I can't get fcpxml exports to work.
Registered Member

Re: Export cut to DavinciResolve

Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:38 pm
I was able to download the git source and install it, I just had to use a git clone command. I was also able to get the export to work.

However, I did a refreshed install of Linux and made sure I used the latest version of kdenlive and created a new project.

I would get errors if I tried to export a project with a Kdenlive color clip. I like using color clips to write down notes of effects I want to add or add a reminder to record a specific clip. The way around this is to create those notes as a PNG file in Gimp and then use that PNG in my kdenlive project. I had no issues exporting png files.

So I got the export working from kdenlive, but Davinci Resolve couldn't read it. I then created the same project on my iPad using LumaFusion. LumaFusion can export to Final Cut Pro 7 so I compared its export to opentimelineio's.

Seems like there are some XML tags and properties missing from the opentimelineio export. Making the appropriate changes to the opentimelineio export allowed me to open it in Davinci Resolve.

These are the changes I had to make.
[*]Add standalone="no" to <?xml ?>
[*]Add an empty <library> tag under the </resources> end tag
[*]Add an <event name="projectName"> tag under the <library> tag. Made sure the project name matched what was in the <project name="projectName"> tag.

Here are the exported documents I used.
OpentimelineIO export ... cpxml?dl=0
LumaFusion Export: ... cpxml?dl=0
Registered Member

Re: Export cut to DavinciResolve

Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:10 pm
I'd be grateful to know if anyone has got export to xml/fcpxml to work using OpentTimelineIO, especially on Windows?

I have been given source files and a project that was edited in KDEnlive and I would like to open this in Premier as this is what I am used to editing with.

I am working on Windows 10 and have successfully installed KDEnlive and opened the project file I was given.

I have followed a guide on how to install Python and OpenTimelineIO on Windows and I think it worked (eventually!)
here -

and still had a few issues with permissions I think -

KDEnlive complained it couldn't find "python3" executable when I tried to export a timeline - after a bit of digging I renamed the freshly installed python.exe (3.7.9) to 'python3' and things moved forward.......

Then the error message was that KDENlive didn't have permission to write the temp file... I tried unticking the 'Read Only' permission on the 'Temp' folder, which seemed to complete... but still the error (and the permission on the Temp folder seems to revert back).......

So I eventually came up with the idea to run KDEnlive with Administrator privileges... no error messages, tried to save a file is FCPXML.... message saying "Project conversion complete"......... but no file anywhere!

So I get the message "Project conversion complete" but no file is produced ?!?

I have tried to save the output file as {name}.xml and {name}.fcpxml but nothing is produced....

If anyone has this export process working and could possibly convert the .kdenlive project file for me to xml of some sort I'd be Sooooooo gratefull !! ( I can link to the file to download).

Thanks for any help



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