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Why do I need a backup when I use Save As?

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Windows 10, v19.12.03
After opening an old project I save it as a different project (in another directory) and I receive following message:
Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but it was not possible to create the backup copy E:/tmp/new_backup0.kdenlive

1) Why is kdenlive trying to backup my project? If I save it with the same name I can understand.
2) Why was it not possible? The project was saved in the same directory successfully.

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1) Why is kdenlive trying to backup my project? If I save it with the same name I can understand.

it is creating a backup of the project settings and timeline, for recovery and rollback purposes. Every time the project is saved, a new backup is created. I do not believe it is backing up media files. It does not on my Linux system. ... les/Backup

You can turn this off by unchecking "Activate Crash Recovery (auto save)" in the settings.

claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001
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claydoh wrote:it is creating a backup of the project settings and timeline, for recovery and rollback purposes. Every time the project is saved, a new backup is created. I do not believe it is backing up media files. It does not on my Linux system.

I'm fine with recovery backup (indeed I love it). But it should only happen when I'm overwriting an exiting file. If I save project A as project B I'm not destroying anything and I have already project A as backup. Even if the entire system crashes during the save process project A remains untouched.

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That is not the point, it is for saving multiple previous versions of one file. Think of it like a Windows restore point, or version control in a sense, despite the filename using the word 'backup'. Many have made use of the recovery feature to be able to go back to a state from a different day or session.

An example: I did a simple video containing a few clips of a bicycle ride I took while I was in Australia a year ago. I did all the work while over there. A month or two ago, I decided I wanted to tweak it a little, add some text. I did so, and saved the file. The next day, I looked at it again, and decided I had done a poor job and decided to revert the project back to the previous save from the day before.

claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001
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claydoh wrote:An example: I did a simple video containing a few clips of a bicycle ride I took while I was in Australia a year ago. I did all the work while over there. A month or two ago, I decided I wanted to tweak it a little, add some text. I did so, and saved the file. The next day, I looked at it again, and decided I had done a poor job and decided to revert the project back to the previous save from the day before.

I fully understand the concept of revision control. My question purely referred to the action "Save As". In your example, at the end of the day after adding some text I use "Save As" and save it as project B. Tomorrow I simply open project A.
In my opinion, if project A is SAVED AS project B there's nothing to revert. Project A hasn't been changed. Project B is just born and has no previous version.



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