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Archive project

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Archive project

Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:36 pm
hi to all

I'm using kdenlive-19.12.3-x86_64.appimage in xubuntu 18.04.
I'm having some doubts and troubles with project->archive project.
If I look into the project file generated by the above command, the xml tags

Code: Select all
<property name="kdenlive:originalurl">

Code: Select all
<property name="kdenlive:original.resource">

both still store the old path and no the new one.

E.g. in my original project there's only one clip located in /home/myname/mytrips/myvideoclip.mp4

In the archived project file the xml tag originalurl and original.resource still point both to /home/myname/mytrips/myvideoclip.mp4 and not to the file in the videos folder (videos/myvideoclip.mp4)

Is this happen only to me?
Am I wrong or perhaps something doesn't work?


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