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Question about maintaing video quality - multiple renderings

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I am trying to produce time-lapse video and am reasonably satisfied with the results so far, but I believe I may be working sub-optimally and am looking for some advice.

What I am Currently doing:

Import slideshow clip --> render with maximum quality settings.

But I also need to stabilize the video and crop it.

So then I import the previously rendered image, apply the stabilization and then render it again as I cannot apply the edge crop at this point.

So I then import the stabilized video and apply the edge crop and finally render again for the final video.

I assume I am doing something wrong here, but I cannot seem to do everything I need to do and then render the video and avoid the degradation from multiple renderings.

Is this expected, or is there a better way of doing these operations?

Also I may as well check that I am rendering with the best quality - I am using mp4-H265(HVEC) with the quality slider fully to the right. Is this the best option in terms of keeping quality?



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