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Hi everyone
I have Contour ShuttlePRO v2. I used to have this config in Kdenlive (I made a screenshot, because in the past the config randomly changed on its own, so I had to reconfigure it again and again): I now updated to 20.04.0 and the config broke again, namely Zoom In and Zoom Out that used to zoom the timeline suddenly started to zoom preview window. What the heck. So I went to the settings and saw that the names Zoom In, Zoom Out are now called Zoom in monitor, Zoom out monitor. I no longer can find Zoom in/out for the timeline. Did their names change or were they removed? Also my setting for my Play button showed some numbers (00:00:43,0, 00:03:22,10) and I can no longer find the "Play" option. Instead I found "Forward", which is different, because Play used to do Play-Pause, and Forward just starts playing but can't do pausing. There's also "Pause" option, but it doesn't start playback, it only pauses. Again, I can't find the new name for "Play" option, something that would do exactly what a spacebar does. To sum up: I'd like to configure v20 like I could before: one button to do Play-Pause and two other buttons to Zoom-in-timeline and Zoom-out-timeline. Any help greatly appreciated. |
On Kdenlive 20.04 the shortcuts are configurable... and now the standard settings are similar to premiere... maybe is something related to that?
Registered Member
It doesn't look related. It's different settings dialog. I can't configure buttons on the ShuttlePRO as keyboard shortcuts.
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